Greetings and salutations. As some wizened philosopher once said, if you are going to talk the talk, you’d better walk the walk. So here we go, doing a little walking on the tech side of communication. Very pleased and excited today to present this first blog: “The Wright Report”. You will recall receiving ‘group emails’ from me over the years that were addressed to ‘friends, clients and associates’. This replaces that, and takes a step beyond the basics of a group email. Key to the process is for you to please confirm your email when asked, so that you will continue to receive “The Wright Report”. As with any blog, you will have the opportunity to ‘unsubscribe’, but I will strive to be of interest and topical and write once a week. Dare I say that the proof will be in the pudding! I enjoy writing as many of you know, and this medium presents an opportunity to inform, possibly persuade, and to express some creativity. So that you know what is being presented, we have segmented the blog into three parts, which will show themselves in the title: ‘Business & Marketing’: Ideas will be offered, and or, ideas and concepts from others, who’s point of view will hopefully...
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