A New View from North45

A New View from North45

A New View from North45

Greetings and salutations.  As some wizened philosopher once said, if you are going to talk the talk, you’d better walk the walk.  So here we go, doing a little walking on the tech side of communication.

Very pleased and excited today to present this first blog:  “The Wright Report”.  You will recall receiving ‘group emails’ from me over the years that were addressed to ‘friends, clients and associates’.  This replaces that, and takes a step beyond the basics of a group email.

Key to the process is for you to please confirm your email when asked, so that you will continue to receive “The Wright Report”.  As with any blog, you will have the opportunity to ‘unsubscribe’, but I will strive to be of interest and topical and write once a week. Dare I say that the proof will be in the pudding!

I enjoy writing as many of you know, and this medium presents an opportunity to inform, possibly persuade, and to express some creativity.  So that you know what is being presented, we have segmented the blog into three parts, which will show themselves in the title:

‘Business & Marketing’:  Ideas will be offered, and or, ideas and concepts from others, who’s point of view will hopefully be of interest to you.  My desire is to save you time and money, by presenting strategies that will have a positive outcome for your business.

‘Aerial Video & Photo’: Many of you know that my wonderful and talented partner, Pam Wright and I, started up a drone business (UAV) 18 months ago.  We have expanded our web site (walking that walk too) and are open for business.  We are certified at the highest level for our phantom drone and now enjoy a ‘standing certificate’ for all of Ontario.  We’ll write about exploits and points of interest, when the occasion presents itself.

Finally, ‘Life @ 45 Degrees’:  More lifestyle based.  Muskoka at the roots, family and generational fun, and who knows what?  Politics?  Not so much.  Save the Bala Falls?  Yes.  Folks want to know what is going on, but do not have the time to research all the details.  When timely, we’ll simplify one of the most complex problems we face in Muskoka, indeed in Ontario.

Who knows, YOU may have an issue or topic that you’d like discussed here.  Be a ‘guest blogger’ or throw an idea or subject at me.  I have a big catcher’s mitt.  Anything is possible.

Being my persistent self, a short second reminder to confirm your email when asked, so we can stay in touch.

A large Thank You, to several creative and intelligent digital experts who have helped make this possible.  You know who you are!

Cheers and talk soon!
