Like many, I have become addicted to technology. Fact is, this happened twenty five years ago, but the realization of it becomes more and more evident by the week. As children and grandchildren visit our Muskoka cottage, we all line up our mobile devices on the top of a cupboard where ‘mass charging’ takes place. Laptops are in abundance, iPads, and an assortment of electronic gadgets that keep the wee ones entertained when necessary are splayed about. (We do our utmost to promote cottage activities with the g-kids, but there ARE times when adults require a respite). So it has become cliché now to see an entire family viewing emails / texts / and browsing on their phones at the same time. Owch!
Back to my addiction. I work on my laptop a LOT. It ‘houses’ my business life, and so much content it boggles the mind. It bothers me on occasion, that when the family visits, I am often perched in my office chair peering into my screen working away. Life at North45 requires my being online a lot, but that is another story.
Many years ago I purchased an iPad for my bride and for the most part, I use it more than she. We ALL use it for weather, radar, trivia and general browsing , but my main use is for reading the #GlobeAndMail. I LOVE this technology. It is nothing short of amazing. To this day, next to the PVR, I think reading the Globe online is one of life’s perfect inventions. I was an early adopter to this software, and it STILL astounds me as it downloads every morning! It is: very good value, the pages ‘turn’ beautifully, easy to magnify, search, and …’s a great read, other than the depressing parts! For business, I often link Globe stories to my social media. A great resource in other words.
Hence my continued addiction. In today’s Globe, I came upon another gem of a story in the section called Facts and Arguments, written by guest authors. Maybe one day this will be me! Today’s piece penned (or typed) by #MichaelFreeman, speaks to one of my hobbies (fishing) and technology.
I have so much technology in my life, but I really do love it. Some days, we hate it, particularly when it does not work, or it glitches…god forbid an on-line heart attack.
Bottom line, traditional newspapers are in trouble. We know it, they know it, the numbers show it. So get the Globe on line. Save a tree, stay in touch with the world, and enjoy the pictures!
Just try not to get too addicted.