Recently my wife and I have been hooked on the TV series: Suits. This fast paced, well written Legal based saga on NETFLIX is addictive. One attribute of the main character and his junior accomplice is that they are decisive. Being decisive in business, particularly as a Leader and a Manager, is crucial. You cannot be frozen by the fear of making the wrong move. Ultimately your role, possibly your job, will be jeopardized by uncertainty. Hence the expression: it is better to ask for forgiveness than permission. An oft-joked-about phrase referenced more to marital spats than employment, I have based many of my work related decisions on this mantra. Fortunate for me, previous direct reports were two of the brightest media moguls in Canadian, and closer to home, Ontario’s history. Making decisions, I often went where angels feared to tread, but regularly reported to others that: sure, I stick out my neck, but I have not had my head cut off..…yet”. Believe me, I may not have been the brightest light on the tree. I had no Business degrees. In fact, some would even say my inter-company relationships were, well, not perfect. Often marching to my own drummer, I charged along, making decisions I felt, were for the...
Learn MoreI had the pleasure of visiting my friend and associate Gary Froude this past week at the West Park Healthcare Centre in Central West Toronto. Gary is an amazing story of determination, intestinal fortitude and mental strength. Along with his loving partner Gayle Dempsey, they have endured unspeakable, indescribable challenges that show no limits to what the human psyche can achieve and overcome. Due to a mysterious virus, Gary has been virtually paralyzed and on a respirator for a year and a half. That’s eighteen months. ….five hundred and forty days or more to the point….12,960 hours. I know what it’s like to be alone in hospital staring a ceiling, but I cannot in all good conscience, compare, so of course I wont. But I know enough from personal experience, to have motivated me to visit Gary, in three different care facilities, a half dozen times during this period to check in, say hello, and ‘talk’ Muskoka for a bit. This most recent visit was wonderful. Gary is better. He is actually able to talk. Off his respirator twice daily now for three hours each session, the change is nothing short of remarkable. You see, I clearly remember visiting Gary and Gayle with my wife Pam at the Intensive...
Learn MoreRecently I invested some time in the big smoke of Toronto, visiting Clients and Agencies. An annual ‘trek’ so to speak. To understate the current Traffic picture would be to say that it is ‘different’ than 11 years ago prior to moving to Muskoka. I’m used to driving into the city, visiting our delightful children and wonderful G kids, staying a night or two and then getting outta dodge. Typically we pick the times to travel and aside from the potential disasters on 400 south and 401 east, we’ve been ok with it. This road trip however scheduled me downtown three times in the early and mid-weekday hours, and several drives in afternoon rush hour. I know, you could say “Buck up Johnny, it’s life in TO”, so im good with that. Frustrating, but what can you do? Listen to Radio. What DID occur on one visit down to the foot of Bay Street, was a request by a double sided bank of elevators – five deep on each side. The elevator asked me: “What Floor?” I entered my number obediently, then it directed me to go to: “Elevator F”. Wow! Again, obediently, I stood in front of Elevator F, awaiting the doors to ‘open saaz me’. Miraculously, they...
Learn MoreHave you met Peggy Peterson? You should visit her. While you cannot see her in this picture, she is occupying much of the very contentious ground (gorgeous middle bottom of photo) that early explorer David Thompson portaged on many years ago. There have been a few articles about Peggy’s effort in the local papers and THIS ONE from the TorStar / Metroland Group is decent. Gets the point across with some information about her, why she is protesting in Bala ( not her home ) and what she hopes to accomplish. When i met Peggy, i was taken with her positive up-beat spirit, which after 50 some odd days camping out in various tents on “Turtle Island” is a testament to her strength and beliefs in our environment, culture and heritage. There is often a small gang of supporters around the encampment. For many weeks now, and especially during Thanksgiving and Cranberry Festival, interest-seekers come by offering water, food, wood, coffee and verbal thank you’s to help get her through each day. I must confess, the amount of rain and cold weather (and wind storms) that Peggy has endured is incredible. Not sure that i would have the intestinal fortitude to do what she has done for the community of Bala and...
Learn MoreGood Day. Short and to the point. An important letter to read about the status of the Bala Land Lease and how this effects the proponent’s ability to start any construction of the power plant or destroy the trees and landscape in Bala. Please click on ‘letter’ link to learn more....
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