Posts made in December 22nd, 2014

A Christmas Message of Hope Comments Off on A Christmas Message of Hope

A Christmas Message of Hope

I had the pleasure of visiting my friend and associate Gary Froude this past week at the West Park Healthcare Centre in Central West Toronto.  Gary is an amazing story of determination, intestinal fortitude and mental strength.  Along with his loving partner Gayle Dempsey, they have endured unspeakable, indescribable challenges that show no limits to what the human psyche can achieve and overcome. Due to a mysterious virus, Gary has been virtually paralyzed and on a respirator for a year and a half.  That’s eighteen months.  ….five hundred and forty days or more to the point….12,960 hours.  I know what it’s like to be alone in hospital staring a ceiling, but I cannot in all good conscience, compare, so of course I wont.  But I know enough from personal experience, to have motivated me to visit Gary, in three different care facilities, a half dozen times during this period to check in, say hello, and ‘talk’ Muskoka for a bit. This most recent visit was wonderful.  Gary is better.  He is actually able to talk.  Off his respirator twice daily now for three hours each session, the change is nothing short of remarkable.  You see, I clearly remember visiting Gary and Gayle with my wife Pam at the Intensive...

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