Posts made in November, 2014

Elevator F Comments Off on Elevator F

Elevator F

Recently I invested some time in the big smoke of Toronto, visiting Clients and Agencies.  An annual ‘trek’ so to speak.  To understate the current Traffic picture would be to say that it is ‘different’ than 11 years ago prior to moving to Muskoka.  I’m used to driving into the city, visiting our delightful children and wonderful G kids, staying a night or two and then getting outta dodge.  Typically we pick the times to travel and aside from the potential disasters on 400 south and 401 east, we’ve been ok with it.  This road trip however scheduled me downtown three times in the early and mid-weekday hours, and several drives in afternoon rush hour.  I know, you could say “Buck up Johnny, it’s life in TO”, so im good with that.  Frustrating, but what can you do?  Listen to Radio. What DID occur on one visit down to the foot of Bay Street, was a request by a double sided bank of elevators – five deep on each side.  The elevator asked me: “What Floor?”  I entered my number obediently, then it directed me to go to: “Elevator F”.  Wow!  Again, obediently, I stood in front of Elevator F, awaiting the doors to ‘open saaz me’.   Miraculously, they...

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