That is…no wind. But it did not start out that way. As I’ve said and written many times, “there is lots of money around, but there are not that many great ideas!” As typical with me, we just had to add persistence, determination and partners who ‘get it’ and say – “Im in!” These were the words spoken by Jay Mothersil who owns Muskoka Paddle Shack on Highway 11, just south of Gravenhurst, and a new, perfectly located operation across from the famous and history-laden Bala Bay Inn. Working with the folks, we wanted something iconic that had the potential to be viral. Once the idea germinated, the project became mostly logistics: weighted anchor bags (thanks to Dons Bakery), lots of rope, skilled guys on paddle boards working the water, and prayer to the Muskoka weather gods for no south wind. And let’s not forget the land team hoisting the 38 kayaks over hill and dale and into the waters of Bala Bay. For 45 minutes old ‘Murphy’ sat on my shoulder laughin at me trying to abort our mission, but after four hours, we problem solved our way through to a terrific design. Once 95 percent complete we sent ‘Drone2’ up for a video peak and then...
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