OK – so it’s Drone2 reporting in! Drone1 is somewhere at the base of the South Falls in Bala in Muskoka at an undetermined depth, due to pilot error and what was a raging current at the time! Gopro and all…gone…along with what would have been some pretty amazing video footage of the falls. So ‘lesson #204’ learned. Typically determined, and persistent to a fault, i climbed back on that horse 5 days later with a new rig, new gopro and a new appreciation for pilots everywhere. Having taken ground school and flown ‘circuits’ for a few months, I already had an appreciation for ‘flight’ but Drones are another breed of airborne wizardry. Since re-shooting the Bala Falls and several cottage jobs to date, I have realized how crucial pre-planning is to the outcome of a project, for customers who yearn for these high res photo’s and high def videos. If you are a real estate agent, business owner, or cottager, and are seeking a partner for these services, you’ll find my business proposals unique, affordable, and the quality and quantity of my output fantastic. Nothing less. Plus, you won’t find ANY drone pilots who have my Muskoka marketing expertise. Call me, and I’ll help you close a property...
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