Is less really more? An overused expression to be sure. Often verbalized by yours truly, and many others who ‘get it’. As a Radio writer, and a voyeur and creator of clients print and graphic display ads, relative ease of listening or reading, is crucial for the message to be viewed, listened to and remembered. After all, you must remember, to be persuaded. In Print it is iconic memory we utilize, and in Radio it is echoic memory. In Radio, (and often on TV), how often do you hear the writers and production gurus speed up an ad right at the end to ensure they get all their ‘conditions’ bleeted out. Horrible. My point is, writing 30 sec radio or 15 second radio, LESS IS MORE. A pause in the action can be a head –turner. A nicely paced, perfectly read script, is just SO MUCH more effective. Next time you want to add a location or a telephone number or some feature or benefit to an already jammed up script…. consider giving your voice professional a little breathing room and your audience a chance to use their echoic memory without trying to jam it between their ears. Is Less Really More? You bet it...
Learn MoreI guess this is the time to elaborate on my latest project for added growth of my North 45 business in Muskoka. I took delivery today of a new DRONE! For those not in the know, these are aerial technology wizard flying machines that can take still and video pictures with amazing accuracy in high definition. For the faint of heart, for the un-determined, for those with a fear of flying – forget it!! Hire me! The work involved in terms of set up, wiring, actual flying skills, and all the pain and suffering of getting ‘off the ground’ well, let’s say one of my most impressive attributes is persistence! More on this later… A few years back, I took ground school (with my very clever wife) at the Parry Sound Airport and was learning to be a pilot. LOVED the idea, loved to fly small planes as I have many pilot friends who encouraged me, and I was quite passionate about it. Was flying ‘circuits’ and having a jolly time “stalling” the aircrafts – you gotta do it in training….Until I had to have yet another knee surgery. This got me out of sequence, and along with the knowledge that I might not have a fat enough bank...
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