Summer Solstice. Why do I remember? Because one of my dear friends will not let me forget it. It’s his birthday! Every year! Much more importantly though, this year was the one of the events of the summer which saw his very lovely daughter married at the Beaumaris Club on Lake Muskoka. Seems to be the year of weddings and key (read 60th) Birthday parties. The weather was perfect, the food & drinks plentiful, and for my bride & I, we got another chance to enjoy so many of our good friends in a perfect Muskoka setting. I had the pleasure of hiring this young newlywed many years ago to ‘Captain’ the Moose “On The Water” power boat which ‘sampled’ a myriad of products over the years. She was promoted to manage the entire water AND land programs for Haliburton Broadcasting (logistical hell) for a few years and has since parlayed her intelligent and thoughtful mindset into a budding career in the ad agency business. Good life and living to you both...
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